Spanish Conversation Table "La Cena"

Once a month we gather at a restaurant and speak Spanish. Any adult interested in joining the group contact Dagmar at <<>>.
High School Honors Night
The Association honors students of Spanish from the greater Toledo area high schools who excell in the study of the Spanish language.
Below: Honorees with Association members.

Artistic and Musical Events
Robert Garcia Painting Exhibition in Toledo, Spain.
Casiano Alguacil exhibition of 19th Century Photographs of Toledo, Spain. Shown at The University of Toledo's Center for the Visual Arts.
Exhibition and presentation of Recycle Art by Luis Pablo Gómez Vidales. Done in collaboration with The University of Toledo's Center for the Visual Arts.
Piano concert by Joaquín Achúcarro in Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, Toledo, Ohio. Done in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Toledo, Ohio.
Pedro Carbone, Spanish pianist gave a Concert, and a Master Class. Inaugurated the Yamaha concert grand for use in UT's Doermann Theater donated by Dorothy MacKenzie Price, benefactor and AoTT member. Sponsored in collaboration with Dorothy Price and the UT School of Music.
Beautification of Toledo Spain Plaza

Above: Joaquín and Emma Achúcarro
Right: Joaquín Achúcarro performing at Rosary Cathedral
Above: Luis Pablo Vidales creating recycled sculpture at Maumee Bay State Park, Lake Erie.
Right: Robert Garcia (left at back) and Luis Pablo Gómez Vidales (far right) with members of the Association at the University of Toledo Center for the Visual Arts.
Artists Yusuff Lateef and Rachel Richardson visit the Arts Centers in Toledo,Spain. Yusuff is the first of many international artists to paint a giant dragon to commemorate the 400th anniversary of El Greco's death.

Yusuf painting the first segment of
"El Draco de El Greco"
The Greater Toledo International Youth Orchestra, through the assistance of AoTT, has home stays and plays in Toledo, Spain as well as at the International Music Festival in Segovia.

Toledo, Ohio: playing for the opening of a city council meeting.

Tulips blooming at Toledo, Spain Plaza
near the Toledo Museum of Art
(Gardening thanks to John Campbell)
85th Anniversary Celebration, May 26, 2016 at the Toledo Club

Mark Sobczak, Chief of Staff for Mayor Paula Hicks Hudson, holds the official proclamation from the City of Toledo, Ohio honoring the Association on its 85th anniversary.

Special guests Don Manuel Lopez, Honorary Consul of Spain (far right), Dr. Maria Pujana, incoming Honorary Consul of Spain, Mr. James Hartung, President of Toledo Sister Cities International and Mr. Sobczak.
Paco Plaza, Director of the Teatro Rojas of Toledo, Spain visited the Valentine Theater and The University of Toledo's Department of Theater
Paco presents a book devoted to the Teatro Rojas to the Honorable Paula Hicks-Hudson, Mayor of Toledo, Ohio.

Valle Delgado, author and actor, presented her play, Dulcinea toma la palabra, at the Owens Community College Theater.